A New Leaf Publications Publishing Department - Marijuana Anonymous

What does a District/Region ANLP Liaison do?

ANLP Liaisons (formerly called “bureau chiefs”) are a vital connection between A New Leaf Publications (“ANLP”) and the fellowship. Each District or Region is encouraged to select an ANLP Liaison as member of the District Service Committee. The primary responsibility of the liaison is to communicate between ANLP and the District. While Districts are autonomous and can set their own requirements for the role, ANLP suggests that members selected have at least six (6) months clean and sober from marijuana, alcohol, and all other mind-altering substances (unless those other substances are taken as prescribed by a healthcare provider).

Specifically, the ANLP Liaison explains the purpose of A New Leaf, and encourages members of their District to create and submit stories, articles, poems, drawings, photography, artwork, puzzles/games, comics, lyrics, and other content that reflects a spirit of recovery, unity and service to help  “carry the message of recovery” for possible publication in A New Leaf. ANLP Liaisons also solicit recovery birthdays/anniversaries from District/Region members to be included in A New Leaf

ANLP Liaisons also share ANLP news and announcements with their District, such as available service opportunities, and ANLP events, like the monthly Writing Workshop

The ANLP Liaison also collects and shares member and District feedback with ANLP to help improve ANLP’s ability to carry the message of recovery through the publication and distribution of MA literature worldwide, and otherwise facilitates communication between their District and ANLP.

If you have an ANLP liaison already, or select a new one, please contact ANLP’s Content Editor: [email protected]. The Liaison can then be added to the ANLP Liaison google group, so the editor(s) can share important and helpful ANLP updates for the ANLP Liaison to share with your district/region’s members.

You can help support ANLP by informing District’s members how to subscribe and submit content to A New Leaf, and announce that it is now sent by email and free, as well as how to subscribe to the new Daily Dose email which includes each day’s reflection from the daily reader, Living Every Day with Hope, (as well as how to subscribe to Carry the Message, MA World Services’ monthly email with events, available service opportunities, and other useful World Services’ information and news.)

It’s an exciting time full of changes for ANLP, so we encourage your District to select someone to be a part of ANLP’s growth by helping communicate upcoming changes, such as the publication of Living Every Day with Hope in print for members to purchase, the redevelopment of the ANLP online webstore for purchasing MA literature, and much more in the pipeline with members of your district/region or group!

To read more about the role of ANLP Liaison, review the ANLP Charter in Appendix I of Service Manual Ver. 8.1, pg. 71-72, and SM Ver. 8.1. Ch 11: District/Region Officers, pg. 23.

To learn more, ask questions, or get involved email: [email protected]  

Thank you!!