A New Leaf Publications Publishing Department - Marijuana Anonymous

After many years of development, Living Every Day with Hope is now available as a paperback and eBook!

Thank you to each and every one of you who contributed to achieving this goal! At the recent Conference session,  the final version was approved for publication. This book has involved the efforts of countless MA members who have worked tirelessly over the years to bring this new piece of literature to fruition. Members have submitted reflections, reviewed submissions, discussed the book with their meetings and districts, met and voted to approve the book, and finalized the manuscript for publication. 

Living Every Day with Hope will continue to be available for free on the MA website and through the Daily Dose email. You can purchase the paperback and eBook editions via Amazon and other retailers. Purchase information here.

The ANLP Department is in the process of redeveloping our online shop and how we make MA literature available affordably worldwide. We are also working with third-party printers who are based internationally and can print locally for members outside of the United States. 

"Daily Dose of MA Recovery" Image with a laptop, cup of coffee and leaves Sign up for MA Daily Dose of recovery to receive daily meditations from Living Every Day with Hope directly to your inbox each day.


The Publishing Department curates and distributes A New Leaf (ANL) which celebrates MA member creativity and seeks to publish the message of hope in recovery. With your many wonderful and creative submissions, A New Leaf continues to unify us in our shared experience as marijuana addicts.


A New Leaf Publications (ANLP) was born out of the Marijuana Anonymous fellowship’s desire to carry its spiritual message though print and other media to the addict who still suffers. ANLP publishing department is a dba (“doing business as”) and publisher of all MA literature in their various formats.

MA and ANLP are not affiliated with any outside organizations or enterprises; do not endorse non-MA literature; and, have no opinion on the views of any such outside organizations or enterprises (MA Traditions 6 & 10).